Get notified right away with UptimeMonster Alerting Engine

Customizable alerts to make sure that the right person gets the message in the right way.

Start Free Trail
DNS Lookup Failed
Listed In Blacklist
Response Time
HTTP Response Code
Load Time
Search String Missing
WordPress Activity Log
Update Require
WordPress Update Log
Website Error Log
CPU Usage
No Data
1 Minute Cpu Load
5 Minute Cpu Load
15 Minute Cpu Load
RAM(Ram usages in %)
RAM (Ram usages in MB)
Swap(Swap usages %)
Swap (Swap usages in MB)
Disk(Disk usages %)
Disk (Disk usages in GB)
Connections(Total Active Connections)
SSH(Active SSH Connections)

Just a few simple steps to website status awareness

Stop living in the dark but start a clear tracking about your website uptime so you know how it performed even when you or your team were sleeping. Our tool will monitor your website and create awareness as per your setting through any possible alert medium. We will be caring for your website so you can focus on your business.

overview image

Easy Step

Enable Alerts :

Elementor is the most popular FREE WordPress Website Builder to Create beautiful sites and pages using a drag and drop interface.

Define Alert Rules :

Elementor is the most popular FREE WordPress Website Builder to Create beautiful sites and pages using a drag and drop interface.

Define alert method :

Elementor is the most popular FREE WordPress Website Builder to Create beautiful sites and pages using a drag and drop interface.

Define alert Occurrences :

Elementor is the most popular FREE WordPress Website Builder to Create beautiful sites and pages using a drag and drop interface.

Escalate as needed :

Elementor is the most popular FREE WordPress Website Builder to Create beautiful sites and pages using a drag and drop interface.

Alert Incident Report :

Elementor is the most popular FREE WordPress Website Builder to Create beautiful sites and pages using a drag and drop interface.

Our Alerting engine is a unique designed tool that lets you decide how to get your alerts

You have many different methods to get alerts to your team. You can choose one or multiple communication methods depending on the error and your staff’s needs. Your choices include:

Get an email.

Receive an SMS/text message.

Get an automated phone call.

Get push notifications through the Uptrends mobile apps for IOS and Android.

Integrate Slack, PagerDuty, StatusHub, ServiceNow, VictorOps, Microsoft Teams, Zapier, Opsgenie, Statuspage, or use a custom webhook.

Use the Uptrends API to interface with your own systems.

schedule image

Alerts that understand your need & fit your schedule

UptimeMonster keeps the right people informed at the right times by following your work schedules. By setting up your operator team and company group under your UptimeMonster account, you can get the message to the correct, on duty personnel.

No more interrupted dinners or late-night phone calls when it isn’t your turn.

Flexible escalations & Paid Maintenance

Sometimes an error can’t wait as it may kill your business lead and brand value where you need a full fledged organized team to act fast to resolve your alert and fix errors so it can run smoothly.

With UptimeMonster paid maintenance plan you won’t only get regular maintenance but will get a whole IT company team who will take care of your website in all ways so you can focus on your business.

flexiable maintenance
schedule image

Define alerts that work for you

Trigger alerts based on performance, maximum and minimum page or element sizes, or missing content. When Uptrends detects your error conditions, escalations allow you to decide how to handle the error. With each level of escalation, you can decide to send an alert message based on how long the error condition lasts, or by the number of errors.

You can send reminders if the error continues, and you can change the alerting method or alert recipients.

Details Incident report for predefined alert type

Based on your alert setting when there will be a matching case then the alerting engine will create a incident which will be opened till the condition is valid. At the incident log you can see all incidents whether it's open or close.

incident report