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Invite User

After creating a user role you can add a user on any specific role to control or manage your websites and servers. To add a user click on the Invite User option and then provide the user’s email address. After that, you need to select the user role from the dropdown menu. You can also add a message to your invited user. 

When you invite a user the user will get an invitation email to join your company. The joining process is very simple and easy. The invited user just needs to check their email and follow the URL and create a free account to get access to the application. After joining the application the user can access your assigned role.

User List

From the user list option, you can see all of your team members and their assigned role. You can send emails to any specific user from here. You can also edit the user setting too from the user edit option. You can see the user’s email address, phone number, and last login time.

To send an email to the user click on the email icon and it will open a popup window then you can send an emergency email to a specific user.

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