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Resource Group

The resource group will help you to organize your monitors. When you are monitoring too many websites and servers, a resource group will help you to manage them easily. You can create a resource group and bundle it with multiple servers and websites on it. For example, you are managing servers and websites for two different clients. Now you can create two resource groups with their name and add their specific server on that group. Now you will find them easily and also you can apply conditions to any specific resource group.

You can create a resource group for your monitoring servers, and websites and check. To add a resource group click on the Add Resource Group option and then enter the group name and group details.

Add resource group

To see all your created resources click on the Resource Groups option. Here you can see an overview of how many websites, services, and checks are available on the resource group. You can also edit and delete resource groups from here too. 

resource group list

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