How to securely manage password

How to securely manage password

Are you trying to securely manage passwords for all of your accounts? It is a common problem for all of us to manage our passwords for different accounts. With different usernames and passwords, we are facing so many problems. To solve these problems there are a lot of password manager […]

How to apply CSS using browser developer tool

How to apply CSS using browser developer tool

​Do you want to apply CSS using browser developer tool features? Every modern browser offers you access to the developer tools features to make your workflow better. While developing a product or software, developers need to use different types of tools for different reasons. Some tools help them to add […]

How to Reduce Server Response Time in WordPress

How to Reduce Server Response Time in WordPress

Looking for a way to reduce the server response time for your WordPress website? Server response time is the time a server takes to connect with a visitor. Server response time also known as TTFB stands for Time To First Byte. So the TTFB is the time period of sending […]

How to password protect WordPress website

How to password protect WordPress website

Do you want to password protect WordPress pages on your website? When your password protects a page your users won’t be able to see it. When you want to keep any private information on your website and don’t want your users to find it, you can password protect the content […]

How to fix WordPress memory exhausted error

How to fix WordPress memory exhausted error

Looking for a way to fix WordPress memory exhausted errors? This article will show you the easiest way to fix the WordPress memory exhausted error. WordPress memory exhausted error is one of the most common WordPress errors. If you are a beginner in WordPress, the memory error will make you […]

How to Integrate Mailchimp With WooCommerce Store

How to Integrate Mailchimp With WooCommerce Store

Looking for a way to integrate Mailchimp with the WooCommerce store? Email marketing has become one of the best and most effective marketing strategies. With the right tools, you can easily simplify your email marketing campaign and reach more customers. Mailchimp is one of the popular email marketing services for […]

How to fix WordPress login not working error

How to fix WordPress login not working error

Are you facing the WordPress login not working error on your WordPress website? The login error is one of the common problems for WordPress and following some easy steps, you can easily get rid of this problem. The login page is very very important to access your admin dashboard. Without […]

Best tools to check website traffic

Best tools to check website traffic

Are you looking for the best tools to check website traffic for your website? You need to check your website traffic regularly to know the performance of your website. Also, it is important to check your website traffic to understand how you are competing with your competitors. You can make […]