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Data Retention Policy


This document explains the data retention policy for the check monitoring module in UptimeMonster. This module monitors the health and performance of various services or endpoints and ensures that you are aware of their status at all times. Clear guidelines on how long this data is stored help you manage your information effectively while ensuring compliance and data security.

Data Retention Period

Retention Duration: Data for the check monitoring module in UptimeMonster is retained for a period of 30 days.

Types of Data Collected

UptimeMonster’s check monitoring module collects and stores several types of data related to the performance and availability of your services or endpoints. This includes:

  1. Check Results: Data from individual checks, including success and failure statuses, response times, and detailed error messages.
  2. Incident Records: Logs of detected issues or failures in your monitored services.
  3. Alert History: Records of alerts sent to notify you about check failures or performance issues.
  4. Performance Metrics: Aggregated data on the performance of the monitored services, including response time trends and uptime percentages.

Data Storage and Access

  • Storage Location: The collected data is securely stored in our cloud infrastructure, which is designed for high availability and protection against data loss.
  • Access and Retrieval: You can access and review your check monitoring data through the UptimeMonster dashboard. This data is available for viewing and analysis.

Data Deletion and Management

  • Automatic Deletion: After the 30-day retention period, check monitoring data is automatically deleted from our servers. This process ensures that only recent and relevant data is kept, maintaining system performance and data security.
  • User-initiated Deletion: You can manually delete data before the end of the 30 days if you no longer require it. For manual deletion please contact [email protected]

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