Website maintenance tasks for fast performance

Website maintenance tasks for fast performance

Are you looking for website maintenance tasks to improve your WordPress website performance?

After launching a website for your business you need to make sure that your website should perform properly. A website’s only job is not to get traffic; it also represents your organization or company. Website is the first impression a user will have about your company.

Suppose someone is looking for a product related to your services and they found your website and go to your website to look for the products. If your website is too slow, the layout is broken and information is not displayed properly then the user hurts your company or organization. On the other hand, if your website performs fast and all the information is displayed in a professional way the first impression of any users will be great. It will help you to grow your business. So it is very important to maintain your website regularly.

Maintaining a website is not an easy task. It’s very difficult for a website owner to take care of the business as well as the website. The best possible solution for this is to hire a website maintenance services partner. In our previous article, we discussed website maintenance services. You can check that too.

If you launch your new business and website and don’t have a budget for website maintenance services don’t worry we are here to help you. Here in this article, we will discuss some website maintenance tasks that will help you to smooth your WordPress website performance and make your website fast.

Website maintenance tasks for fast performance

Change password

Password is the first level of security for protecting your website from hackers and unauthorized access. You have to use strong and unique passwords for your website. Sometimes a strong password may compromise that’s why you need to change your password frequently.

You can change your WordPress admin password and database password regularly so that they can not be compromised. There are some problems with changing passwords regularly as a strong password is very difficult to remember. To solve this problem you can use any password manager tool.

Keep updated

It is very important to make your WordPress updated. You need to update the WordPress file and all the plugins. WordPress has its default tools to update plugins and files. You can go to the WordPress update page to review manually if any update is missing or not. You can also enable the auto-update features for WordPress files and core plugins. But after the WordPress file and core plugins check your website if everything is okay.


A copy of your website should be stored in any other place to keep your information safe if anything goes wrong. Having a backup will help you to restore your data. There are a lot of backup plugins available to automatically back up your website. You can check this article to learn more about WordPress backup plugins.

Performance test

After launching your website day by day after publishing more content and installing more themes WordPress’s website performance is slowing down. For this, you need to take a performance test to check if your website is slowing down if all the features are working well, check SEO performance, and others.

Fix broken link

Broken links are very harmful to your website. Broken links are those links that don’t exist. It will give a very bad user experience for your users. You can check your broken links and remove them or you can create a unique and professional 404 page to display on the broken link page to attract users.

Fresh content

Content is the king of your website. With fresh and unique content you can get a higher rank in search engines. Search engines are the best way to get organic traffic. You need to deliver fresh content regularly and not publish copy content. Copy content will ban you from search engine 

Image optimization

The image makes a web page visually beautiful but it takes time to load the images on a website. That’s why you need to optimize your images. Check all the images and resize them to make the website speed faster. 

Browser compatibility 

Different users have different browser versions. So you need to check that your website is compatible with all the popular web browsers available.

Wrapping up

All these tasks are very important for your website to perform well. You need to manage some time and check all the issues of your website if you want to make your website perform well. 

Some website owners can handle all these tasks but most people are leaving it to the professionals so that they can do their other tasks properly.

We hope this article will help you to maintain your WordPress website. You can also see our other articles to learn How to fix the invalid JSON error in WordPress

How to add category-specific search in WordPress

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