Best tools to check website traffic

Best tools to check website traffic

Are you looking for the best tools to check website traffic for your website?

You need to check your website traffic regularly to know the performance of your website. Also, it is important to check your website traffic to understand how you are competing with your competitors. You can make a successful website by its traffic. If your website is well, with features and functionalities, and you have an iconic design and offer so many resources, but there is no traffic to your website. All of these will be valueless.

So here in this article, we are going to show you some of the best tools to check any website traffic.

Why is checking website traffic important?

It is very, very important to check your and your competitor’s website traffic. It will help you to understand how your website is performing as well as you can get an idea of how your competitor’s website is doing.

From the website data, you can analyze your visitors. You will be able to know where your visitors are coming from, which devices they are using, and how the users interact with your website. You can use this data to create your marketing strategies.

You need to check your website traffic to understand your user’s behavior too. If you want to grow your website, and need more visitors, then check this data and take proper action based on the data. By checking the traffic you can understand your current position and set a plan to improve your website position in the future.

It’s not enough to check only your website traffic; you need to check your competitor’s traffic too. When you are analyzing your competitor’s traffic, you can reveal a lot of information about them. You can understand which page or post brings them more traffic, which keywords on their website are doing great, and a lot more things you will be able to know when you check their website traffic and analyze the data.

Tools to check website traffic


tools to check website traffic

SEMRush is one of the best traffic analysis tools which can offer you so many things including competitor analysis. With these tools, you can easily monitor any website’s traffic data. SEMRush will help you to research your keywords and see keyword ranking.

It will help you in your day-to-day tasks by providing an in-depth analysis that you can implement in your marketing strategies.

Using SEMRush is very easy, you just need to add your competitor’s website URL to it. SEMRush will do the next task for you; it will show you an in-depth report for the website. It will show you different metrics like –

  • Organic search traffic
  • Paid search traffic
  • Backlinks
  • Location-based traffic
  • Competitors list
  • Keyword
  • Indexed pages

With a free account, you will have limited features. SEMRush has many pricing plans, and based on the plans you will have the features to analyze the data.

Main Features:

  • Keyword research
  • One page analysis
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Content marketing
  • Local SEO
  • Rank tracking
  • Link building
  • Social media management
  • Website monetization

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Google Search Console

tools to check website traffic

Google Search Console, a free tool by Google, will enable you to analyze your website traffic data. You will have a full detailed report of how your website is doing in search engines Google search console will show you the number of impressions and clicks of your website in search engines.

You can also see indexed pages of your website and error pages. If any of your website pages have errors, Google Search Console will identify them and show you the way to solve them. You can also block any particular page or link on your website from indexing on search engines.

Connecting Google Search Console with your website is very easy. You can see this tutorial to connect your website with Google Search Console.

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Another SEO analysis and keyword research tool for professional users. It will provide you with all you need including keyword research, keyword ranking, traffic analysis, and others. It offers you more than 30 tools, but all the tools are very easy to use.

You just need to enter the website URL. Serpstat will automatically generate the report you want. The traffic report will provide you with the data like organic traffic, keyword, location, bounce rate, etc.

Main Features:

  • Competitor analysis
  • Analysis of contextual advertising
  • Keyword analysis
  • Rank tracking tools
  • Site audit tool
  • One page audit
  • API integration
  • Clustering
  • Text analytics
  • Custom reports
  • Search volume crawling service

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SimilarWeb website traffic provides you with an insight report to check your website performance. It also provides competitor analysis, too. With detailed insight and traffic reports, you can improve your marketing plan.

Online traffic data enables you to deliver an unbiased, objective view of real-world web and app performance. From executing day-to-day tactics to building long-term digital strategies.

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Wrapping Up

Following the process, you will be able to check website traffic using the best tools. You can see our other articles to learn How to fix the WordPress failed to open stream error.

How to fix the WordPress 429 too many requests error.

How to fix the 504 gateway timeout error in WordPress

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