How to create and submit a WordPress image sitemap

How to create and submit a WordPress image sitemap

Looking for a way to create and submit a WordPress image sitemap? Here, we will discuss how easily you can create a WordPress image sitemap and submit it on Google Search Console.

Images are very important elements for any website. Images can enhance the outlook of your website. Besides images place an important role in search engines. Images can help you to get more image search engine traffic. So uploading beautiful images is not necessary. You need to provide an alt tag to your images so that they can be found on search engines. It’s a very good SEO practice to add an alt tag for your images based on your focus keyword as well as give your image a name.

Why is image sitemap important?

If you want to find your images in Search engines like Google and others, you need to create an image sitemap and submit it to search engines. It will help Google Crawl and search engines to index your images. When search engines index your images that means it is easier to find on search engines.

create and submit a WordPress image sitemap

Without indexing on search engines, it is very difficult to find your images on search engines. So sitemap is very important for your search engine results. Many images are loaded very late so it is difficult for search engines to find them.

Another important benefit of image sitemap is it helps to implement hreflang. Sometimes websites are not able to implement hreflang for many reasons. But the search engine has the option to implement it. So when you create your image sitemap it will automatically implement hreflang.

Create and submit a WordPress image sitemap

There are a lot of plugins available that offer you to create image sitemaps easily. Here in this article, we are using the Google Image Sitemap WordPress plugin to create an image sitemap.

Install and activate the plugin and then go to the settings page of the plugin.

create and submit a WordPress image sitemap

Here on the settings page, you will be able to see the generate image sitemap button. Just click on the button and it will generate an image sitemap for your WordPress website.

Submit image sitemap to Google Search

Your image sitemap is created now you need to submit it on Google search. To submit a sitemap to Google search you need to use the Google Search Console tools. If you don’t connect your website with Google Search Console you can see this article to learn how to connect WordPress websites with Google Search Console.

After connecting your website, log in to your Google Search Console account and then go to the Sitemap option from the dashboard.

Now you just need to add the sitemap URL you just created and click on the submit button.

That’s it! Your image sitemap is added to Google and Google will index and crawl all of your website’s images.

Wrapping Up

Image sitemap is as important as content sitemap. Through images, you can also get a lot of traffic on your website if you optimize it properly.

You can also see our other tutorial to learn How to add different image hover effects in WordPress

How to Add Custom After Post Widgets in WordPress

We hope this article will help you to create and submit a WordPress image sitemap. If you like this article please like our Facebook page to stay connected.


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