If you’re using a Cloudflare firewall with your system, it’s best practice to whitelist UptimeMonster’s IPs and User Agent. This will ensure that Cloudflare doesn’t block UptimeMonster’s monitoring requests, helping to prevent any false incident alerts.
UptimeMonster is currently using these two IPs and 2a01:4f8:c012:9c4a::1
Allow UptimeMonster IP in Cloudflare
Log into your Cloudflare account, navigate to the left menu and select the Security tab. From there, click on WAF (Web Application Firewall)
This will open the Web Application Firewall (WAF) security options. Next, go to the Firewall Rules tab.
Click on Create Firewall Rule to set up a new rule. Now name your new Firewall rule.
Configure the following fields for your new rule:
Now click on the Or button to add the second IP
From the Choose Action dropdown, select Skip and check the following option :
From the More component to skip option select the following one
After completing, click on Deploy in the bottom-right corner to activate your new firewall rule.
Then from the Action option select Skip. and select the following option:
From the More component to skip option select the following one
After completing, click on Deploy in the bottom-right corner to activate your new firewall rule.