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Site Health Check

Site health check provides you with a detailed report of your website’s health and performance. It also provides you with security reports too.

UptimeMonster performs multiple examinations on your WordPress site to detect common errors and known issues, and also allows plugins and themes to add their own checks.

The Site Health Status feature provides important information regarding your WordPress configuration and areas that require your attention. If there are any deficiencies that require attention, the Site Health log evaluates them based on two main categories.

Performance: This category evaluates various aspects such as the WordPress and PHP version, installed SQL server, required and suggested PHP modules, UTF8MB4 support, scheduled events, HTTP requests, REST API, and loopback requests.

Security: This category examines active themes and plugins, HTTPS connection, secure communication, debug mode status, communication with, and background updates status.

The tool shows your site health status using three different layers.

Critical: This layer indicates the number of critical issues discovered. It categorizes the issues as security or performance and suggests how to address them.

Recommended: This layer lists all the recommendations to enhance site health and provides step-by-step instructions on how to address them individually.

Passed Tests: This layer presents the number of items that have no issues and provides detailed information about all items.

site health check

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