How to change the WooCommerce shop page title

How to change the WooCommerce shop page title

  Looking for a way to change the WooCommerce shop page title on your online shop? After installing WooCommerce it automatically creates the shop account and checkout page. By default, WooCommerce displays the shop page name as “Shop”. But you can change the default shop page name to make it […]

How to display full size images on WordPress

How to display full size images on WordPress

Looking for a way to display full-size images on WordPress? An earlier version of WordPress enables users to upload large-scale images on their website. But large-scale images are taking much storage on your server and making your website slow which leads you to poor performance. So WordPress fixes this issue […]

How to fix your website structure

How to fix your website structure

Looking for a to fix your website structure? Most of the website owners do not consider looking for their website structure. Because website structure does not seem to be an urgent issue for the maximum websites. That’s why website owners don’t pay much attention to this issue.  But if your […]

How to add a WooCommerce store to Facebook

How to add a WooCommerce store to Facebook

Looking for a way to add a WooCommerce store to Facebook? By adding your WooCommerce store to social media you can easily get a lot more traffic and engagements. Facebook is one of the most popular social media nowadays. if you are adding your online store with Facebook it will […]